Upcoming events
Come to the VCPL Meeting!
Join us for our organizing meeting! We’ll discuss our plans to intensify our campaign for Apartheid Free ballot measures as well as support the campaign against HCRS that Southern VT for Palestine has launched. We will meet as a large group and then break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the movement for a free Palestine!
Palestine and US Labor: A Teach-In for Vermont Workers
At this teach-in led by Jewish Voice for Peace and sponsored by Workers United, workers will learn about the myriad ties that bind our struggle for justice in the workplace with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. We will also learn about concrete actions and tactics that empower workers to act in solidarity with Palestine. Speakers will share their knowledge and experience in this intersectional struggle, followed by a Q&A. All workers, union and non-union, are encouraged to attend!
VCPL Meeting
Join us for our organizing meeting. We’ll discuss plans to intensify our campaign for Apartheid Free ballot measures and to support the campaign against Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) for contracting with the Israeli Firm Eleos that Southern VT for Palestine has launched. We will meet as a large group and then break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the movement for a free Palestine!

Vermont Palestine Conference
Vermont Palestine Conference:
The Struggle for Land and Liberation
Old North End Community Center
20 Allen St, Burlington, VT
October 19, 2024
10am to 7pm
Register at this link for our state-wide educational and activist conference about the struggle to free Palestine. It is free and open to the public, but we encourage those who can to donate $10 to defray costs. To protect the health of all attending, masks will be required. The ONE Center’s building and parking lot is ADA accessible. The ONE Center also has gender neutral bathrooms. Thanks to the People’s Kitchen, the conference will provide a Halal lunch including vegan options for all attending. We encourage everyone who can to donate to the People’s Kitchen to support their work.
9am Registration Opens
10am – 11:30am: Palestine Today: War, Genocide, Resistance & Solidarity
Speakers: Ashley Smith, Aria Aber, Samia Abbas & Kali Akuno
12pm – 1pm: Lunch Break
1pm -- 2:30pm Workshop Block 1
Palestine 101: Colonization & Resistance
Speakers: A Palestinian resident of Vermont and a Member of Jewish Voice for Peace
Dismantling the Colonial-Carceral State: Abolitionists for Palestinian Liberation
Speakers: Jayna Ahsaf & Jonathan Elwell
Land & Food Sovereignty in the Struggle for Liberation
Speakers: Henry Nichols, Nils Mccune, & Yasmeen El-Hasan
Organizing Apartheid Free Communities, Ballot Measures, & the Fight for BDS
Speakers: Paul Fleckenstein, Willow Butler, & Zoe Jannuzi
Defending our Civil Rights & Resisting the New McCarthyism
Speakers: John Franco & Will Cornish
3pm – 4:30pm Workshop Block 2
An Injury to One is an Injury to All: Labor for Palestine
Speakers: Heather Bowan, Calum Buchanan, & Theo Weeland
Skilling up for Hard Conversations: An Interactive Workshop
Speakers: Debra Stoleroff & Jason Hersch
No Pride in Genocide: Fighting for Queer & Palestinian Liberation
Speaker: Vivan Bose-Pyne
Migrant Justice Knows No Borders: From Palestine to Mexico Border Walls Have Got to Go
Speakers: Madeline Sharrow & Marita Canedo,
We Will Not Stop, We Will Not Rest: The Fight for Divestment on Campus
Speakers: Athena Antippas, Logan Roots, Rowan Wade, & Antonio Golán
5pm – 6pm: Building the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation
Speakers: Michele Eddleman McCorkmick, Helen Scott, Merih Etgü, Wafic Faour, & Fhar Miess
6pm - 7pm Social
Sponsored by the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation
Who is this for?
Any and all who are interested in learning more about Palestinian liberation and intersecting struggles/causes, as well as what the struggle for liberation looks like in Vermont. This is a space for seasoned organizers and also anyone brand new to the cause!
Why should I come?
Come if you would like to learn more about both Palestinian liberation and also interconnected Vermont specific struggles for liberation, if you want to strategize, and/or if you want to connect with others who care about Palestinian liberation. There will be lots of information at the conference to help you figure out “what’s next” for you if you would like to get more involved!
How much does it cost?
It is FREE and open to the public, but we encourage those who can to donate $10 to help defray costs. (It is 100% volunteer lead and all donations will go towards facility costs, materials, etc)
Is food provided?
Yes! Lunch will be provided by the People’s Kitchen. It will be 100% halal with vegan options available. We encourage everyone who is able to donate to the People’s Kitchen to enable them to sustain their work.
We will have some life refreshments available later in the day as well but you are welcome to bring some of your own snacks as well.
- The Community Center is ADA accessible including in their parking options, entrances, elevators, and bathrooms
- Gender neutral bathrooms are available on each level
- Masks will be required by all who attend (it will not be possible to mask during the lunch portion but there will be separate conference rooms available during that time where masks will still be required for anyone who needs a mask required space)
- Please inform us on the registration if you have any other specific access needs including religious or cultural and we will do our best to accommodate!
Are kids welcome?
Yes! Kids are very welcome. Free childcare will be offered during the plenary sessions (10-11:30am and 5-6pm) and kids are welcome to attend any of the other portions with adult supervision. (Children are also welcome to attend the plenaries but they likely won’t be very engaging for kids).
Will there be recordings available?
There will be recordings of the opening and closing plenaries. They will be available at (coming soon!). While we won’t be able to reproduce the same level of connection opportunities that will happen in-person at the conference, we recommend you attend the next VCPL meeting you are able to (listed under events on this website) as the next best thing!
I can’t come for the whole day – is that okay?
Absolutely! You are welcome to come to whatever portion you are able to.
Suggestions for what to bring with you:
Something to take notes on
A pen
A mask
A water bottle (refill station available on site)
Snacks (we will provide some as well)
How do I get there/is there parking available?
Parking is available at the ONE Center parking lot and on side streets.
I have more questions!
Please email us at vcplconference@proton.me
We hope to see you there!
Volunteer to Staff Vermont Palestine Conference
We need everyone who can to volunteer to organize and staff our conference on Saturday, Oct 19th in Burlington. Please fill out this form. Indicate which areas you would be interested in helping with and a member of the coalition will follow-up with more details. There are many ways to contribute even if you aren't sure you will be able to attend in-person on the 19th - please fill out the form even if you can't confirm your ability to attend yet!
VCPL Meeting In Barre
At our meeting, we’ll discuss building the state-wide conference on October 19 and update everyone on the Apartheid Free Community campaign for organizational affiliations and ballot measures. We will meet as a large group and then break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the resistance for a free Palestine!
VCPL Meeting In Burlington
At our meeting, we’ll assess our participation in Burlington’s Pride Parade, discuss plans for the state-wide conference on October 19, and update everyone on the Apartheid Free Community campaign for organizational affiliations and ballot measures. We will meet as a large group and then break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the resistance for a free Palestine!
Join VCPL at Burlington’s Pride Parade!
Join VCPL’s contingent at this year’s Pride Parade, defend the Pride Center against Zionist attacks, and build solidarity for Queer and Palestinian liberation. We will have a float, banners, and placards. Come early, help set up, and also volunteer to help staff the Parade. Look out for more details about the exact assembly location and march route once they’re released by the Parade organizers. Join us in the fight for collective liberation! Until all of us are free, none of us are free!
VCPL Meeting In Barre
At our meeting, we’ll plan our contingent at Burlington's Pride Parade, the state-wide conference in October, and the Apartheid Free Community campaign for organizational affiliations and ballot measures. We will meet as a large group and then break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the resistance for a free Palestine!
Art Build For VCPL at Burlington Pride
Join VCPL to make placards and banners for our contingent at the upcoming Pride Parade in Burlington on September 8. Everyone committed to collective liberation is welcome! Come grab some free lunch, make some art, and meet fellow activists in our common struggle. Solidarity and see you there!
VCPL Meeting In Burlington
Join us, get organized, and build the resistance for a free, free Palestine!

No One is Free Until Palestine Is Free! Join the People’s Red Line on July 3rd!
Genocide Joe Biden has broken his promise to draw a red line to stop Israel’s invasion of Rafah. He continues to support, fund, and arm the Zionist state as it carries out ethnic cleansing and genocide in occupied Palestine. Now is the time for the people of this country to draw our own red line, demand an immediate end to the war, suspension of all US aid to Israel, and the liberation of Palestine from colonial occupation from the river to the sea. Join our Red Line for Palestine contingent in Montpelier’s parade on July 3. Dress in red! Get your union, organization, and faith group to mobilize its members and join us. Help us petition to get a resolution against Israeli apartheid on the Montpelier ballot and join the campaign to make Vermont an apartheid free state.

Sing for a Ceasefire!
Jewish Voice for Peace and the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation invite you to come sing for a ceasefire at the Monkey House at 7:30pm in Winooski on June 29. In between songs, we’ll speak about our campaign to stop the war, end all US aid to Israel, and fight for a free Palestine. In particular, we’ll raise awareness about our effort to get all groups in Vermont to adopt the Apartheid Free Community Pledge and help us get Apartheid Free Resolutions on the March 2025 ballot in as many towns and cities as possible. Join us in song and struggle!
VCPL Meeting In Barre
Join VCPL for our organizing meeting in Barre! We’ll plan actions against Israel’s genocidal war, talk about our campaign for organizational endorsements of Apartheid Free Communities, and organize for Apartheid Free Referendums on the March 2025 ballot in cities and towns across Vermont. We will meet as a large group for political updates on the war and our local, state, and national struggle in solidarity with Palestine. After that we will break up into our five working groups—Action, Campaigns, Education, Vermont Labor for Palestine, and Collective Care. Join us, get organized, and build the resistance for a free, free Palestine!

Solidarity across borders: Movements against apartheid and incarceration
This panel discussion will explore the deep systemic connections between the militarization of the US/Mexico border, criminalization of undocumented people, the racist carceral state, and apartheid and genocide in Palestine. Speakers from the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation, Migrant Justice, and FreeHer Vermont will discuss the growing networks of global solidarity that can challenge these injustices and lead to collective liberation.
Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation Coalition Meeting
Join VCPL for our general meeting to plan next steps in our struggle to stop Israel’s genocidal war, end all US aid to Israel, and fight for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
We will meet as a large group for political updates, assessments of recent actions, and next steps in our campaign to get institutions and groups to adopt the Apartheid Free pledge.

Picket the VT Democratic Party Convention: No delegates for genocide and apartheid!
Join us to picket the Vermont Democratic Party Convention. The party’s leader, Genocide Joe Biden, is supporting, funding, and arming Israel’s war of ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The VT Convention will be training delegates to attend the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this coming August to nominate their presidential candidate. We will picket their meeting, demanding that they withhold support for Genocide Joe, back Apartheid Free Communities, and implement boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel.

Hands off Rafah! Student amnesty now!
Join us for an emergency rally at Burlington’s City Hall on Tuesday at 5:30pm. We will rally outside City Hall, then march up Church Street to join the student encampment for another short rally! If you can’t meet us at City Hall, meet at the UVM encampment on the green outside the Davis Center at 6:15!
Hands off Rafah and amnesty for student protestors now!

Film Screening: Israelism
Back by popular demand – Join us for a second screening of this highly informative 84 minute documentary, followed by a discussion with writer and director Sam Eilertsen and moderator Jamie Spector.
Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation Coalition Meeting
Join VCPL for our general meeting to plan next steps in our struggle to stop Israel’s genocidal war, end all US aid to Israel, and fight for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
We will meet as a large group for political updates, discussion about university encampments and the campaign to cancel Linda Thomas-Greenfield as UVM’s commencement speaker, next steps in our campaign to get institutions and groups to adopt the Apartheid Free pledge, and more.

May Day Rally in Burlington!
VCPL calls on everyone to join the May Day rally at Battery Park in Burlington at 6pm. We will have a speaker at the rally encouraging unions to endorse Apartheid Free Community and join the struggle for Palestinian liberation. We will have a table with fliers to hand out to rank and file trade unionists.
May Day, the international workers holiday, commemorates the strike for the 8 hour day in 1886. Police responded by brutally crushing the protest in Chicago, arresting its leaders, and sentencing 8 workers to death.
This May Day, we will honor those martyrs and the tens of thousands in Gaza, by calling on Vermont workers to support Palestinian trade unions’ call for solidarity with their struggle for liberation. There will be live music by local bands and free food provided by People’s Kitchen. See you at the rally! Free Palestine From the River to the Sea!

May Day Picket of Hannaford in Williston: Solidarity with Migrant Justice!
VCPL calls on everyone to join Migrant Justice’s picket at Hannaford in Williston. Migrant Justice is trying to increase the pressure on Hannaford to join Milk with Dignity. That agreement requires companies to pay higher prices for their dairy products to farmers and guarantee better wages and working conditions for workers on our state’s farms.

Palestine Film Series Week 4: Palestinian Resilience
Southern Vermont for Palestine is presenting a series of documentary and feature films about Palestinian history, culture, people and politics.
This week's theme is "Palestinian Resilience." The films shown will be Made in Palestine, Farming under Fire in Gaza, Return to Seifa Village, Gaza Monologues Documentary, and Horizon.

Palestine Film Series Week 3: Life in Occupied Palestine
Southern Vermont for Palestine is presenting a series of documentary and feature films about Palestinian history, culture, people and politics.
This week's theme is "Life in Occupied Palestine." The films shown will be My Neighborhood, Mohammed El-Kurd at UMass Amherst, Nov. 2023, Rafeef Ziadah: “We Teach Life” & “Shades of Anger”, and The Present.
Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation Coalition Meeting (Copy)
Join VCPL for our general meeting to plan next steps in our struggle to stop Israel’s genocidal war, end all US aid to Israel, and fight for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
We will meet as a large group for political updates, assessments of recent actions, and next steps in our campaign to get institutions and groups to adopt the Apartheid Free pledge.

Postponed - Sing for Ceasefire: Karaoke at The Monkey House
Event Postponed
Members of the community along with the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation, will be hosting Sing for Ceasefire - karaoke benefiting the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation.
This is an event of love and community, hate of any kind will not be tolerated.
$10-30 suggested donation; benefiting VCPL.

Author Talk: Thomas Suárez, “Dispossession and Expulsion from the River to the Sea: The Endgame of Israel’s 76-year war of Terror”
Join us for a talk by Thomas Suárez, author of Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea.
The Israel-Palestine “conflict” is typically misunderstood to be a clash between two ethnic groups – Arabs and Jews – inhabiting the same land. Thomas Suárez digs deep below these preconceptions and supporting “narratives” to expose something starkly different: The violent take-over of Palestine by a European racial-nationalist settler movement, Zionism, using terror to assert by force a claim to the land that has no legal or moral basis.
Drawing extensively from original source documents, Suárez interweaves secret intelligence reports, newly-declassified military and diplomatic correspondence, and the Zionist terrorists’ own records boasting of their successes.
Tickets are free but registration is required. Click here to register. Please note that bags will not be allowed inside.

Palestine Film Series Week 2: Secret Negotiations and Palestinian Resistance
Southern Vermont for Palestine is presenting a series of documentary and feature films about Palestinian history, culture, people and politics.
This week's theme is "Secret Negotiations and Palestinian Resistance." The films shown will be The Oslo Accords: Failure or Betrayal and The Wanted 18.